Legal Representative and Publication Director : Mr Joshua Hatcher
Design and Production : Oriane Rigard-Cerison
Web hosting : FastComet
Names or titles, photos, slogans, logos, brand names, testimonials…are used, either with the permission of their owner, or as a simple indication of products or services offered. Photographs, text, slogans, drawings, models, images, animated sequences (with or without sound), and all other website content are therefore the property of Joshua Hatcher or of third parties which have authorised the client to use them.
Photo credit: Joshua Hatcher, Chris Poulsen, JMI
Reproductions, whether on paper or in electronic format, of this website and images reproduced are authorised, provided that they are strictly reserved to personal use, excluding all use for advertising and/or commercial and/or informational purposes. With the exception of the above provisions, all reproductions, representations, uses or modifications, by any means whatsoever and on any support whatsoever, of all or part of the website, or of all or part of the various works and product models on the website, without having obtained prior authorisation from Joshua Hatcher, is strictly prohibited.
This website provides a general presentation of the range of Joshua Hatcher services and products. Information provided on this website, in textual, photographic, or in any other form, is provided for general reference purposes only and shall not be deemed a contractually binding document liable to provide grounds for any type of legal proceedings. Joshua Hatcher reserves the right to modify information contained in this website, notably concerning the technical features of products presented, at any time, without prior notice, taking into account website interactivity, without engaging the liability of the client. Images of products are non-contractual and technical features are subject to change.
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Creating a hypertext link to the website is subject to prior written permission from the client. If you wish to set up a hypertext link to our website, you should therefore contact the legal representative of Joshua Hatcher. Under no circumstances can Joshua Hatcher be held liable for any websites providing a hypertext link to this website, and it accepts no liability as to their content or use.
Use of this website is at the user’s own risk. Under no circumstances may the client, his subsidiaries, or members of his network be held liable for any direct or indirect damage, and, in particular, material damage, loss of data or programmes and financial loss, arising from access or use of this website or any websites linked to it. The content of this website is provided without warranty of any kind. Information about models and their characteristics correspond to a definition at the time of online publishing or updates of various pages of the website; they are only indicative and cannot be regarded as constituting a contractual offer of products or services from the client. Errors or omissions may occur: in cases of contractual and commercial relations, only the quotation addressed to the client is binding.
Joshua Hatcher reserves the right to modify and update, at any time, access to the website as well as legal notices.